Welcome to my virtual home.

Hi! I’m Rossy Sanchez and this video clip is part of Find Yourself. Find Your Passion, one of the many programs on Mindful Evenings, where I teach about self-love, self-awareness, self-compassion and finding your sense of purpose, mostly through personal stories. This story, however, is what started it all. It describes my life-long anguish over the way I looked since I was a little girl.

In my own words, “For most of my life, I saw myself through the veil of extra pounds and pimples.

Fortunately for me, I outgrew that image of myself as someone not worthy of love and respect – worthy only of harsh self-criticism. While the path from self-loathing to self-loving was a long and winding one, most recently I found a short-cut, mindfulness.

Mindfulness and meditation have allowed me to tap into my true self, a self that is full of love, peace, creativity and bliss and to then open up and share that free, fun and playful self with the world. And it’s that transformation that I wish for you, as well. 

Whether it’s your body, a label you inherited as a child from a grownup who didn’t know any better, or self doubt you picked up along the way that’s keeping you from being who you are meant to be, expressing what you truly feel, and living the life you came here to live, we all have conditions that are coloring how we view life. Mindfulness and meditation can guide you back to your true self, no colors added. This isn’t pie in the sky. What neuroscientists now know about the body-mind-brain connection supports this premise.

I invite you to browse my site, read my writings, view my videos and listen to the guided meditations, some of which come to me in meditation.

If you’re in SoCal, I also invite you to take a peek at 3+ things, a photojournalism project for women, and sign up to participate. The photo shoot is free.

I hope that, as you get to know yourself better, you will begin to love yourself more. There is no greater love than the love that already resides within you.

Love Yourself,
